News: Research

Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin

Department of Computer Science

Transforming Human-Robot Interaction Through Mood-Inducing Music

UT’s Elad Liebman and Peter Stone consider robots that understand not only our commands but also our emotional states.

A young music enthusiast reclines with head on his hands and a boom box at his feet.

McDonald Observatory

Astronomers Uncover Methane Emission on a Cold Brown Dwarf

The research team used the James Webb Space Telescope to make a surprising finding about a cold, distant world.

A planet-like object has many rings deep in space, with a pronounced ring at its top.


Better Sleep Can Reduce Worry and Rumination in Older Adults

People’s perceptions of their sleep also proves to have stronger associations with their worry and rumination than objective sleep quality monitored with a device.

Older man sitting in dark room with hand on back of neck looking tired.


Study Challenges Popular Concept of Spread of Cultural Innovations

Researchers find that Eurasia’s East-West orientation likely did not aid in cultural domination.

Antique style world map with Europe and Asia centered


Red Flags: I’m Not the Bug for You!

The matador bug’s vibrant red hind-leg flags are neither a mating display nor a distraction tactic, they’re part of an elaborate defense strategy.

A black and yellow bug with red flaps on its hind legs sits on a green leaf

McDonald Observatory

Astronomers Use James Webb Space Telescope to Probe an Extreme Starburst Galaxy

Messier 82, 12 million light-years away, is relatively compact but hosts a frenzy of star formation activity.

A galaxy with a ban of stars, bright spots and cosmic clouds appear from the blackness of space.


UT Researcher Leading Project for New NASA Space Telescope

UT’s new Cosmic Frontier Center and McDonald Observatory will play key roles in aiding research into chemically young galaxies.

This image shows the heart of the barred spiral galaxy NGC 1097, as seen by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope.

UT News

Surviving a Volcanic Supereruption May Have Facilitated Human Dispersal Out of Africa

Graduate students Jessica Valdes and Keenan Riordan were on a team that found humans may have dispersed during arid times along “blue highways.”

Map of northeastern Africa indicating location of an archaeological site


Alzheimer’s Drug Fermented With Help From AI and Bacteria Moves Closer to Reality

An innovative approach uses artificial intelligence and biosensors to pave the way for faster drug development.

Image of bacteria and biosensors


First Recognition of Self in the Mirror Is Spurred by Touch

New evidence reveals that young children learn self-awareness through experiences of touch.

A toddler gazes at herself in the mirror and smiles.